Farm Bill Details and Decisions Presentation Available

Farm Bill Details and Decisions Presentation Available

With the sign-up period underway at USDA-FSA offices for the payment yield update, base acreage update, and ARC/PLC election, there is increasing interest and attention to the details and the analysis of the options and decisions for producers. UNL Extension has teamed with USDA-FSA offices in Nebraska to deliver educatonal programs for producers across the state thanks in part to the generous statewide sponsorship to date from the Nebraska Farm Bureau, Farm Credit Services of America, and the Nebraska Soybean Board and numerous local sponsors as well. There have been more than 70 meetings across the state since October, with more to come yet in December (see the adjacent meeting schedule) and more to be planned in early 2015. Attendance at the meetings thus far has been very strong as producers are seeking information on the farm program details, decisions, and use of the available decision tools to analyze the program alternatives. 

In addition to the joint UNL Extension/USDA-FSA meetings, there have been numerous other meetings as well, working with crop insurance agents, ag lenders, and others. A general presentation from those meetings (updated through the December 10 production and market price estimates from USDA) is available for viewing to provide an overview of the key issues and analysis at the following link to "Farm Bill Details and Decisions."