Household New Resident Survey

The Household New Resident Survey is a self-administered questionnaire that was mailed to new residents of the 6 communities in May/June 2009. This link provides infomration on: characteritics of the new residents, their motivations for moving to new communities and their satisfaction with their new community. Results from the survey can be used to identify the impacts new in-migrants have had in their new communities and identify strategies to attract and retain new residents.  This information is applicable to all Great Plains states.

Larbor Vacancy Survey

In this project, the Labor Vacancy Survey was used to estimate the extent and nature of labor shortages in the six partner communities. The survey was a self-administered questionnaire mailed in August/September of 2009 using purchased mailing lists. The data was weighted to reflect the population of employers in the six regions. This section gives overview information on the Labor Vacancy Survey and breaks down the survey using the results from Edgemont/Hot Springs, SD and Wayne, NE.


Employers need workers with specific skills who are willing to work for the level of compensation that their business is able to offer. Workers look for jobs that will utilize their skills while offering what the workers see as appropriate rewards.

Because this project had gathered information from both households and employers, it was possible to examine both sides of the labor market equation. Identifying key themes in the labor market allowed the identification of mismatches in the market, which in turn presented an opportunity for employers to better plan for the time that is likely to be required to fill open positions and to identify strategies for accelerating the process. The synthesized reports also provided an opportunity for communities to tailor their marketing model to reach individuals most likely to possess the skills and preferences most in demand locally.