Lilyan Fulginiti
Professor Agricultural Economics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
FYH 307C
Lincoln NE 68583-0922 - Phone
Lilyan Fulginiti specializes on research on international agricultural development and productivity. Fulginiti began her career at the World Bank where she worked on the political economy of agricultural pricing policies. She joined the faculty at Iowa State University in 1989 and has been with the University of Nebraska-Lincoln since 1996. She earned a doctorate from North Carolina State University, a master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a bachelor’s degree from Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina.
Fulginiti is the Frederick professor of agricultural economics, was awarded the 2020 AAEA Distinguished Teaching Award with ten or more years graduate teaching, the Omtvedt research award, the Nelson excellence in graduate student advising award, and the Graduate Dean award for excellence in graduate education. She was honored with an Organization of American States Fellowship, an American Association of University Women International Fellowship, a Rockefeller Foundation award and an international fellowship from Rotary International. She is on the editorial board of the Journal of Productivity Analysis and has been an associate editor of the Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, the American Journal of Agricultural Economics and was on the editorial board of the Journal of Global Food Security.
Ph.D., North Carolina State University, 1987
M.A., Economics, University of Pennsylvania, 1980
Licenciada en Economia, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Argentina, 1978
Research Interests
- International Agricultural Development
- Agricultural Production/Policy
- Applied Microeconomics
- UHON 395H - Carbonomics: Can Bioenergy Save the World? (student research papers)
- ENSC 230 - Energy and the Environment: Economics and Policy
- AECN 901E/ECON 923 - Microfoundations of Economic Growth and Development I
- AECN 902E - Microfoundations of Economic Growth and Development II
- AECN 901A - Economics of Production and Supply I
- ACEN 902A - Economics of Production and Supply II
- AECN 901B - International Agricultural Trade
Selected Publications
Queiroz, P., R. Mahmood, L.E. Fulginiti and R.K. Perrin. 2024. “Land Use Policies, Land Use Land Cover Change, and Climate: A review with examples from the United States” Environment, Development and Sustainability, forthcoming.
Havens, D., R.K. Perrin, and L.E. Fulginiti. 2024. “Carbon Emissions Reductions from Changes to Reduced Tillage and Cover Crops: A Review of Experimental Results.” Journal of Advances in Agronomy and Crop Science, 3: 1-6. https://www.jscholaronline.org/articles/JACS/Carbon-Emissions-Reductions-from-Changes-to-Reduced-Tillage.pdf
Iglesias, W., L.E. Fulginiti, and R.K. Perrin. 2024. “The cost of armed conflict to agriculture in Colombia.” Research on World Agricultural Economy, 5(3): 85-103. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36956/rwae.v5i3.1136
Trindade, F., L.E. Fulginiti, and R.K. Perrin. 2022. “A half century of yield growth along the forty-first parallel of the Great Plains.” Land Economics forthcoming.
Queiroz, P., R.K. Perrin, L.E. Fulginiti and D.S. Bullock. 2022. “An Expected Value of Sample Information (EVSI) Approach for Estimating the Payoff from a Variable Rate Technology.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 48 (1): 1-13.
Kabata, T., L.E. Fulginiti and R.K. Perrin. 2022. “The potential cost of regulation of methane and nitrous oxide emissions in U.S. agriculture.” CABI Agric Biosci 3 (2). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43170-021-00068-1
Silva, F., R. Perrin, L. Fulginiti and M. Burback. 2021. “Can engagement improve groundwater management?” Water Economics and Policy, 7 (2). https:///dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2382624X21500089
Silva, F., L. E. Fulginiti, R. K. Perrin and M. J. Braga. 2021. “The increasing opportunity cost of sequestering CO2 in the Brazilian Amazon forest.” Empirical Economics (March 2021), https://doi.org/10.1007/s00181-021-02031-5.
Silva, F. de F., L.E. Fulginiti, R.K. Perrin and K. Schoengold. 2019. “The Effects of Irrigation and Climate on the High Plains Aquifer: A County-Level Econometric Analysis”. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 55(5): 1085-1101. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12781.
Silva, F. de F., L.E. Fulginiti and R.K. Perrin. 2019. “The cost of forest preservation in the Brazilian Amazon: the “arc of deforestation””. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(3):497–512. doi: 10.22004/ag.econ.292328
Silva, F. de F., R.K. Perrin, and L.E. Fulginiti. 2019. “The opportunity cost of preserving the Brazilian Amazon forest.” Agricultural Economics, 50(2): 219- 227. https://doi.org/10.1111/agec.12478
Garcia-Suarez, F., L. Fulginiti, and R. Perrin. 2019. “What is the use value of irrigation water from the High Plains Aquifer.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101(2): 455-466. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay062
Mieno. T., C. Walters and L. Fulginiti. 2018. “Input Use Under Crop Insurance: The Role of Actual Production History.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 100 (5): 1469-1485. https://doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aay040.
Perrin, R., L. Fulginiti, S. Bairagi, and I. Dweikat. 2018. “Sweet Sorghum as Feedstock in Great Plains Corn Ethanol Plants: The Role of Biofuel Policy.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 43(1):34-45. http://www.waeaonline.org/UserFiles/file/JAREJanuary20183Perrin34-45.pdf
Sesmero, J.P., R. Perrin and L. Fulginiti. 2018. “A Nonparametric Frontier Measure of Marketing Efficiency: An Illustration with Corn Ethanol Plants.” Agribusiness: An International Journal, vol. 34(3): 579-598. https://doi.org/10.1002/agr.21543
Wang, S.L., A. Plastina, L. Fulginiti, and E. Ball. 2017. “Benefits of Public R&D in U.S. Agriculture: Spill-Ins, Extension and Roads.” Theoretical Economic Letters, vol.7 (6): 1873-1898, doi: 10.4236/tel.2017.76128.
Perrin R., L. Fulginiti and M. Alhassan. 2017. “Biomass from Marginal Cropland: Willingness of North Central US Farmers to Produce Switchgrass on Their Least Productive Fields.” Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, vol. 11 (2): 281–294. https://doi.org/10.1002/bbb.1741
Perrin R., L. Fulginiti and M. Alhassan. 2016. “Biomass from Marginal Cropland: Willingness of North Central US Farmers to Produce Switchgrass on Their Least Productive Fields.” Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, in press.
Quin, J., T. Awada, F. Trindade, L. Fulginiti, and R. Perrin. 2016. "Combining habitat loss and agricultural intensification improves our understanding of drivers of change in avian abundance in a North American cropland anthrome." Ecology and Evolution, first published online: December 2016, doi 10.1002/ece3.2670.
Bairagi, S., R. Perrin, L. Fulginiti, T. Clemente, C. Hungate, and G. Key. 2016. “Economic feasibility of high Omega-3 soybean oil in mariculture diets: A sustainable replacement for fish oil.” Aquaculture Economics and Management, first published online: October 7, 2016, doi.org/10.1080/13657305.2016.1228711.
Sesmero, J.P., and L. E. Fulginiti. 2016. “Sustainable Consumption with an Essential Exhaustible Resource Re-Examined". Theoretical Economic Letters, vol. 6 (3): 464-473.
Shumway, R., B. Fraumeni, L. Fulginiti, J. Samuels, and S. Stefanou. 2016. “U.S. Agricultural Productivity: A Review of USDA Economic Research Service Methods.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policies, vol. 38 (1): 1-29.
Sesmero, J. P., R. K. Perrin and L. E. Fulginiti. 2016. “A Variable Cost Function for Corn Ethanol Plants in the Midwest.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 64(3): 565–587.
Trindade, F. and L.E. Fulginiti. 2015. “Is there a Slowdown in Agricultural Productivity Growth in South America?” Agricultural Economics, vol. 46 (1): 69-81.
Fulginiti, L. E. 2013. “In Memoriam: Catherine Morrison Paul, 1953-2010.” Journal of Productivity Analysis, December 2013.
Sesmero, J. P., Perrin, R. K., and Fulginiti, L. 2012 “Environmental Efficiency Among Corn Ethanol Plants.” Biomass and Bioenergy Journal, vol. 46(November): 634-644.
Plastina, A. and L.E. Fulginiti. 2012. “Rates of Return to Public Agricultural Research in 48 U.S. States: 1949-1991.” Journal of Productivity Analysis, vol. 37(2): 95-113.
Sun, L., L. E. Fulginiti and Y. Chen. 2010. “Taiwanese Industry Competitiveness when Outward FDI is Defensive.” Journal of Asian Economics
Huang, R., L. E. Fulginiti and E. W. Peterson. 2010. “Health and Growth: Causality through Education.” China Agricultural Economic Review, vol. 2 (3).
Fulginiti, L.E., "What comes first, agricultural growth or democracy?" Agricultural Economics, vol. 41(2010), 15-24.
Fulginiti, L.E. "Estimating Griliches' k-shifts" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 92(2010), 86-101.
Fulginiti, L.E. and R.K. Perrin, "Pricing and Welfare Impacts of New Crop Traits: The Role of IPRs and Coase's Conjecture Revisited," AgBioForum, 11(2), 134-144.
Onofri, A. and L.E. Fulginiti, "Public Inputs and Dynamic Producer Behavior: Endogenous Growth in U.S. Agriculture," Journal of Productivity Analysis, online first (April 2008).
Bharati, P. and L.E. Fulginiti, "Institution and Agricultural Productivity in Mercosur," in E.C. Teixeira and M.J. Braga, (eds.), Institutions and Economic Development, Vicosa, MG, Brasil, Os Editores, 2007, pp. 1.
Perrin, R. and L.E. Fulginiti, "Intellectual Property Institutions for Plant Breeding," in Institutions and Economic Development, E.C. Teixeira and M.J. Braga, eds., 2007
Sun, L., L.E. Fulginiti, and E.W. Peterson, "Accounting for Agricultural Decline with Economic Growth in Taiwan," Agricultural Economics, vol. 36(2007), 2-03: 181-190.
Sun, L., and L.E. Fulginiti, "Accounting for Taiwan's GDP Growth: Parametric and Non-parametric Estimates," Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, vol. 45 (2007): 74-98.
Fulginiti, L. E. and R. K. Perrin, "Productivity and Welfare," Journal of Productivity Analysis, 24, 2: 133-155.
Fulginiti, L.E., R.K. Perrin, and B. Yu. "Institutions and Agricultural Productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa," Agricultural Economics, 31, 2-3(December 2004): 169-180.
Perrin, R.K. and L.E. Fulginiti, "Dynamic Pricing of Genetically Modified Crop Traits," in The Governance of Agricultural Biotechnology, R.E. Evenson and V. Santaniello, eds., CABI, 2004.Perrin, R.K. and L. E. Fulginiti. "Technological Change and Welfare in an Open Economy with Distortions," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 83 (May 2001): 455-464.