Matt Stockton
Professor Agricultural Economics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
402 W State Farm Rd
North Platte NE 69101-7751 - Phone
Extension Program Areas
- Developing on-line decision aids for farmers and ranchers
- Beef Cattle Management
- Crop and Pasture Management
- Water Resource Management
Research Areas of Interest
- Farm/Ranch Management
- Beef Cattle Systems
- Cropping Systems
- Marketing
- Consumer Behavior
- Demand Systems
- Farm level simulation/Risk
Professional Memberships
- American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
- Western Agricultural Economics Association (WAEA)
- Southern Agricultural Economics Association (SAEA)
- Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 2004
- M.S., Agricultural Economics, Texas A&M University, 1987
- B.S., Agricultural Business, Farm Management, California State University Fresno, 1983
Professional Experience
- Agricultural Economist, West Central Research and Extension Center, University of Nebraska, August 2005 -present
- Interim Assistant Professor, University of Idaho, Moscow Idaho, Fall 2004 to July 2005
- Agricultural Economics Graduate Assistant and Lecturer, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas Fall of 2000 to Fall 2004
The following articles are available for full-text download
- "Heifer Breeding Maturity and Its Effects on Profitability: Nebraska Sandhills Beef Cattle"
- "Simple Rules That May Help Ranchers Select Replacement Heifers for
Increased Pregnancy Rates and Reduce Dystocia" - "Corn Stalk Grazing: A Matter of Economics"
- "Using Hedge Information as a Risk Management Tool for Feeder Cattle"
- "The Economics of Dry Distillers Grain as a Creep Feed for Yearling
Cattle" - "The Economic Optimal Weight for the Replacement Beef Female"
- "Cow Size, Perhaps More Than Just A Production Efficiency Decision"
- "National Animal Identification System (NAIS): The Road Ahead"
- "Moving Beyond Weight as the Only Predictor of Breeding Readiness: Using a
Breeding Maturity Index" - "The Effects of Breeding Maturity on Dystocia and Rebreeding of the
Primiparous Beef Female" - "Simulated Analysis of Drought's Impact on Different Cow-Calf Production
Systems" - "The relationship of U.S. and Canadian Cull Cow Prices to lean beef
prices: A DAG Analysis"