Simanti Banerjee
Professor Agricultural Economics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
314 Filley Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68583-0922, -
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Curriculum Vitae
About Me
I joined the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in August 2014. Previously I was a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Economics Department at Oberlin College in Ohio (2013-14) and a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Stirling in Scotland UK (2010-13). I received a Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University (2010).
My research deals with analyzing coordination within groups, inter-personal bargaining, and the impact of information, communication and social networks on human decision making in a variety of contexts. Using experimental and behavioral economic methods, and surveys I study performance of various farmland conservation policies, drivers of technology adoption, and decision making under risk & uncertainty. My lab and field research program has been funded by grants from the USDA-NIFA, USDA-ERS and USDA-CBEAR in addition to the Maude Hammond Fling Faculty Research Fellowship awarded by the UNL Research Council. I am also interested in qualitative data analysis techniques and incorporate these into my quantitative work for a richer analysis of the world around me. Replicability and reproducibility of experimental and behavioral economics research is important to me and currently I am involving in a project which focuses on comparing discount rates of US Producers and university students. Thanks to my students' research interests, I have recently become interested in the role of gender in conservation policy outcomes and the economics of food waste.
I teach Environmental & Natural Resource Economics (AECN-NREE 265) at the undergraduate level and Behavioral & Experimental Economics (AECN 818) with Christopher Gustafson at the graduate level. My instruction has benefited from teaching experiences in three different institutes in two different countries. I have set up the Behavioral and Experimental Economics Lab (BEEL) at UNL. If a UNL student is interested in participating in an economic experiment, they can register here or contact me.
I am involved with the Committee on Women in Agricultural Economics (CWAE) and Experimental Economics (EXECON) sections of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). If you are interested in being involved, please contact me.
I come from Eastern India. I am mother to a twin boy and girl (born August 2019). My husband and I love to travel and look forward to traveling the world as a family and taking loads of pictures and buying many many fridge magnets!
Research Interests
Experimental & Behavioral Economics, Ecosystem Services Conservation & Management, Communication, Social Network & Game Theory, Decision Making under Risk
Selected Peer Reviewed Publications
- Banerjee Simanti, Timothy N. Cason, Frans P. de Vries and Nick Hanley. Spatial Coordination and Joint Bidding in Conservation Auctions. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. Forthcoming
- Czap Natalia, Hans Czap, Simanti Banerjee, and Mark Burbach. 2019. Encouraging Farmers’ Participation in the Conservation Stewardship Program: A Field Experiment. Ecological Economics, Volume 161, pp. 130-143 (paper)
- Secchi Silvia, and Simanti Banerjee. 2019. A Dynamic Semester-Long Social Dilemma Game for Economic and Inter-Disciplinary Courses. Journal of Economic Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220485.2018.1551097.
- Banerjee Simanti and Marc Conte. 2018. Information Access, Conservation Practice Choice, and Rent Seeking in Conservation Procurement Auctions: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume 100(5), pp. 1407-1426 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti. 2017 Improving Spatial Coordination Rates under the Agglomeration Bonus Scheme: A Laboratory Experiment with a Pecuniary and a Non-Pecuniary Mechanism (Nudge). American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Volume 100(1), pp. 172-197 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti, Timothy N. Cason, Frans P. de Vries and Nick Hanley. 2017. Transaction Costs, Communication and Spatial Coordination in Payment for Ecosystem Services Schemes, Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, Volume 83, pp. 68-89 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti, Anthony M. Kwasnica and James S. Shortle. 2015. Information & auction performance: A laboratory study of conservation auctions for spatially contiguous land management, Environmental & Resource Economics, Volume 61(3), pp. 409-431 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti, Frans P de Vries, Nick Hanley and Daan van Soest. 2014. The impact of information provision on Agglomeration Bonus performance: An experimental study on local networks, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Volume 96(4), pp. 1009 – 1029 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti, Silvia Secchi, Joseph Fargione, Stephen Polasky and Steven Kraft. 2013. How to sell ecosystem services: a guide for designing new markets. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Volume 11, pp. 297 – 304 (paper)
- Hanley Nick, Simanti Banerjee, Gareth D. Lennox and Paul R. Armsworth. 2013. How should we incentivize private landowners to "produce" more biodiversity? Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Volume 28(1), pp. 93 – 113 (paper)
- Banerjee Simanti, Anthony M. Kwasnica and James S. Shortle. 2012. Agglomeration Bonus in Small and Large Local Networks: A Laboratory Examination of Spatial Coordination. Ecological Economics, Volume 84, pp. 142 – 152 (paper)
Network of Collaborators (Past and Present)
Maria Bernedo Del Carpio, Mark Burbach, Tim Cason, Marc Conte, Hans Czap, Natalia Czap, Frans P. deVries, Paul Ferraro, Nick Hanley, Tony Kwasnica, Ursula Kreitmair, Kent Messer, Silvia Secchi, James Shortle, Mykel R. Taylor, Leah H. Palm-Forster, James M. Walker, Cory Walters, Collin Weigel
Banerjee Lab Students
Current Students (Degree):
Abdelmalek Hammami (PhD), Hanin Hosny (PhD), Diya Ganguly (PhD), Brooks Ronspies (MS)
Past Students (Degree):
Stamatina (Tina) Kotsakou (MS), Nadeeka Weerasekara (MS)