Q&A Rural Economic and Community Vitality Certificate

Questions & Answers


Is the Graduate Certificate offered 100% online?

Yes, all of the required courses for the certificate program are offered 100% online. Coursework can be completed around your work and family commitments. There is no set time where you are required to log in to attend class. Classes have to be completed within the class timeline. A broadband internet connection is required to participate in courses.

How does the Certificate program differ from other certificates?

In a few words, the professional certificate program emphasizes practical application of knowledge for resolving community issues and seeking economic opportunities. It is taught by professionals who have experience working with a wide variety of Nebraska communities and topics. Invited guest speakers also share their insights and experiences throughout the different certificate courses. In addition, one-hour credit courses provide flexibility that allows you to develop a certificate program that fits your needs and interests.

How long will it take to complete the certificate program?

The program is designed for completion in one year. However, certificate completion is very individualized, and depends on how much time you can devote to taking courses. Generally, students in the certificate program are working professionals with responsibilities which may limit the number of courses they can participate in each semester. Graduate students have ten years to complete their graduation requirements, starting from the first semester enrolled.

When is the deadline for submitting my application for the Graduate Certificate programs in Rural Economic and Community Vitality?

We accept applications and admit students for the CRECV throughout the year. There are no deadlines for application submission. Staggered one-hour credit courses offered throughout a semester also provides opportunity to begin that certificate when convenient to you.

Can the application fee be waived?

No. University policy does not allow a waiver or deferment of the application fee. Applications received without the fee cannot be processed.

Is there a minimum GPA requirement for admission to the Certificate program?

No. The Graduate Certificate Program requires applicants to have received a baccalaureate degree from an accredited educational institution. Please check https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/prospective/programs/Cert_RuralEconCommVitality#apply for more information.

What is the cost of this program? Am I eligible for financial aid?

Tuition costs for the Graduate Certificate program is based on a cost-per-credit. To determine the tuition costs for this program, please utilize the cost estimator at https://www.unl.edu/gradstudies/admissions/cost.

Students in non-degree certificate programs are not eligible for financial aid.

Does the program offer scholarships or grants?

At this time, the program does not offer scholarships or grants for tuition costs for the certificate program. The program disseminates information of educational funding opportunities to current students as available.

Are transfer credits accepted?

Transfer credits in related disciplines will be analyzed case-by-case.

What tools do I need?

At minimum, you need a computer and internet access; preferably with a high-speed connection.

What are the start dates?

The online Certificate Program offers several start dates throughout the year, allowing you to select a time that works best for you.