Emie Yiannaka
Professor Agricultural Economics University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Address
FYH 314B
Lincoln NE 68583-0922 - Phone
Research Interests
My research focuses on the study of the economic impacts of new technologies and innovations in the agri-food sector and evaluates the economic effects of the policies and regulations that govern them. I am interested in examining the factors that influence a firm’s decision to innovate and the design of optimal intellectual property protection and technology sharing strategies for agri-food firms, as well as the factors that affect producer adoption, and consumer acceptance of new technologies. Examples of my research projects include the examination of the market and welfare effects of the introduction of first and second generation genetically modified products and food nanotechnology innovations; assessment of the economic impacts of food policies such as country of origin labeling and mandatory labeling of GM and nanotechnology products; assessment of consumer preferences, attitudes, and willingness to pay for food-safety enhancing innovations; analysis of the market and welfare impacts of food fraud, optimal policy response to food fraud, and the effects of social activism and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on food fraud; patenting behavior for product and process innovations; optimal patent licensing behavior for innovations that generate technological externalities and the role social activism and CSR can play on patent licensing behavior; as well as the factors that influence information seeking and information avoidance behavior and their impact on consumer and producer preferences and decisions.
Ph.D., Agricultural Economics, Specialization: Industrial Organization, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 2002.
M.Sc., Agricultural and Resource Economics, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute at Chania (M.A.I.Ch.), Greece, 1996.
M.A. (D.S.P.U.), Agricultural Policy, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute at Chania (M.A.I.Ch.), Greece, 1995.
B.Sc., Agricultural Economics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece, 1994.
Agricultural Markets Organization (AGEC 842.3), 2002.
Agribusiness Management (AECN 316. 3) 2004-2012.
Agricultural Marketing in a Multinational Environment (AECN 425.3), 2003-present.
Applied Welfare Economics and Public Policy Analysis (AECN 840), 2013-present.
Introduction to Innovation, AECN 399E/AGEN/BSEN 496E, 2008.
Innovation Strategies, AECN 399J/399K/AGEN/BSEN 470/480: Design I & II (Fall and Spring 2008-2010).
Journal Articles
(*=First author is advisee)
Deka A.*, A. Yiannaka and K. Giannakas. The economic impacts of social activism and corporate social responsibility on food fraud. PLOS ONE (2024), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0304153.
Yiannaka A. Food fraud: A persistent problem that demands a comprehensive approach. Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (2023), https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00003-023-01465-6.
Gustafson C., K. Brooks, S.I.A. Meerza, and A. Yiannaka. Emotional Responses to COVID-19 Stressors Increase Information Avoidance About an Important Unrelated Health Threat. PLOS ONE (2023), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0286712.
Giannakas K. and A. Yiannaka. Food Fraud: Causes, Consequences and Deterrence Strategies. Annual Review of Resource Economics 15 (2023), vol.15:85-104.
Meerza S.I.A., S. Gulab, K. Brooks, C. Gustafson and A. Yiannaka. U.S. Consumer Attitudes toward Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production. Sustainability (2022), 14(12), 7035; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127035.
Meerza S.I.A., K. Brooks, C. Gustafson and A. Yiannaka. Information Avoidance Behavior: Does Ignorance Keep us Uninformed About Antimicrobial Resistance? Food Policy (2021) vol. 102, article 102067. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2021.102067.
Meerza S.I.A.*, K. Giannakas and A. Yiannaka. Optimal Policy Response to Food Fraud. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (2021) 46(3): 343-360.
Meerza S.I.A.*, K. Giannakas and A. Yiannaka. Market and Welfare Effects of Food Fraud. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63, 4(2019): 759-89.
Tran V.*, A. Yiannaka and K. Giannakas. An Economic Analysis of Nanofood Labeling. Journal of Policy Modeling vol.21 (Issue 1, 2019): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2019.01.002.
Britwum K.* and A. Yiannaka. Consumer Willingness to Pay for Food Safety Interventions: The Role of Message Framing and Issue Involvement. Food Policy 86 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.05.009.
Britwum K.* and A. Yiannaka. Shaping Food Safety Perceptions: The Influence of Informational Nudges. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 81 (2019): 139-151.
Britwum K.* and A. Yiannaka. Labeling Food Safety Attributes: To Inform or not to Inform? Agricultural and Food Economics 7: 4 (2019) https://doi-org.libproxy.unl.edu/10.1186/s40100-019-0123-y.
Giannakas K. and A. Yiannaka. Doing Well by Doing Good: Agricultural Biotechnology in the Fight against Hunger. Agricultural Economics 49 (2018): 725-739.
Britwum K.*, A. Yiannaka, K. Kastanek. Public Perceptions of Genetically Engineered Nutraceuticals. AgBioForum 21 (1, 2018): 13-24.
Tran V.*, A. Yiannaka, K. Giannakas. Market Potential and Economic Impacts of Food Nanotechnology Innovations. Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2017): 1-36.
Gjonca E.*and A. Yiannaka. Patent Characteristics and Patent Ownership Change in Agricultural Biotechnology. AgBioForum 19 (1, 2016):10-24.
Nene G.*, A. Yiannaka, A. Azzam, S. Kachman. The Effect of Wal-Mart on the Economic Growth of Nebraska Counties. International Research Journal of Applied Finance 11 (vol. IV, 2013): 1394-1406.
Awada L.* and A. Yiannaka. Consumer Perceptions and the Effects of Country of Origin Labeling on Purchasing Decisions and Welfare. Food Policy 37 (2012): 21-30.
Yiannaka A. and M. Fulton. "Getting Away with Robbery? Patenting Behavior with the Threat of Infringement." Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 20 (Number 2, Summer 2011): 625-648.
Bernard J.C. and A. Yiannaka. Understanding Patenting Decisions: A Classroom Exercise. Journal of Economic Education 41(2010): 235-251.
Yiannaka A. When Less is More: Optimal Patent Breadth Under the Threat of Patent Validity Challenges. Southern Economic Journal 75 (4 2009): 1067-1093.
Giannakas K. and A. Yiannaka. Market and Welfare Effects of Second-Generation, Consumer-Oriented GM products. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 90 (1 2008): 152-171.
Njoroge K., A. Yiannaka, K. Giannakas, A. Azzam. Market and Welfare Effects of the U.S. Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act. Southern Economic Journal 74 (1 2007): 290-311.
Giannakas K. and A. Yiannaka. Agricultural Biotechnology and Organic Agriculture: National Organic Standards and Labeling of GM Products. AgBioForum 9(2 2006): 84-93.
Yiannaka A. and M. Fulton. Strategic Patent Breadth and Entry Deterrence with Drastic Product Innovations. International Journal of Industrial Organization 24 (1 2006): 177-202.
Giannakas K. and A. Yiannaka. The Market Potential of a New High-Oleic Soybean: An Ex Ante Analysis. AgBioForum 7(2004): 101-112.
Yiannaka A., K. Giannakas, K. Tran. Medium, Message and Advertising Effectiveness in the Greek Processed Meats Industry. Applied Economics 14(2002): 1757-1763.
Yiannaka A., H. Furtan, R. Gray. Implementing the Kyoto Accord in Canada: Abatement Costs and Policy Enforcement Mechanisms. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(2001): 105-126.
Chapters in Books
Gjonca E.* and A. Yiannaka. Patent Characteristics and Patent Ownership Change in Agricultural Biotechnology. In From Agriscience to Agribusiness: Theories, Policies and Practices in Technology Transfer and Commercialization, 2017, pp. 145-167.
Yiannaka A. The Market and Welfare Effects of the New National Organic Program. In Baourakis G (eds.) Marketing Trends for Organic Food in the 21st Century, World Scientific, 2004.
Xepapadeas A. and A. Yiannaka. Measuring Benefits and Damages from Carbon Dioxide Emissions and International Agreements to Slow down Global Warming. In Carraro C. (eds.) International Environmental Negotiations: Strategic Policy Issues, Edward Elgar Publishing Company, US, 1997, pp. 150-171.