International Trade and Development

International Trade and Development

The range of topics covers the economics of agriculture, food, and natural resources in international and global contexts, including international agricultural development (Beghin, Fulginiti, Gustafson, Perrin, and Peterson), international trade policy (Beghin, Fulginiti, Nogueira, Perrin, and Peterson), natural resource management (Brozovic, Fulginiti, Perrin, and Schoengold), and global food security and policy (Beghin, Fulginiti, Gustafson, Nogueira, Perrin, and Peterson). Research funding has come from USAID, USDA NIFA, The World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, CGIAR, FAO, Nebraska Center for Energy Science Research (UNL), Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (University of Nebraska), Farm Foundation, and other international agencies. Research projects have been conducted in various countries. Several faculty members are affiliated with the Yeutter Institute of International Trade and Finance at UNL.


John Beghin

International Trade

Chris Gustafson

Behavioral Economics and Health Disparities

Lia Nogueira

International Trade

Wes Peterson

International Trade

Nick Brozović

Policy Director, Water for Food Center

Brad Lubben

Agricultural Policy

Richard Perrin

Production Economics

Lilyan Fulginiti

Production Economics and Development

Fabio Mattos

Marketing and Risk Management

Karina Schoengold

Water and Resource Economics