The mission of the Department of Agricultural Economics is to improve decision making by public officials, private producers and agribusinesses by giving them the economic information, insights, analytical tools, and skills that are not otherwise available.
Topic Areas
Agriculture Firm Profitability and Sustainability
Behavioral and Experimental Economics
Industrial Organization of the Agri-Food System
Rural Innovation and Development
Centers and Programs
- Buy Fresh Buy Local Nebraska connects growers with consumers looking for locally grown foods.
- Center for Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization is a web-based center dedicated to impartial economic analysis of the structure, conduct, and performance of the agricultural and food industry
- Nebraska Broadband Initiative aims to increase broadband adoption and utilization.
- Nebraska Cooperative Development Center assists people in rural areas by helping them work together through cooperative business development.
- Nebraska Rural Poll is an annual survey of rural Nebraskans to give leaders a better understanding of the issues, challenges and concerns of Nebraska's rural citizens.
- North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center funds competitive grants for programs that directly benefit the agricultural producer.
- Women in Agriculture assists women in their agricultural business by providing learning and networking opportunities.
Cornhusker Economics is a weekly publication of the department's research, teaching and extension activities.
Sign up
- Agriculture's Impact in Nebraska
- Buy Fresh Buy Local Food Guide
- Budgets: Cattle, Crop, Horticultural, Sheep & Goat
- CAFIO-Policy Research Group Policy Pagers
- Economic Impacts of the Ethanol Industry in Nebraska
- Nebraska Farm Custom Rates
- Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report
- Nebraska Livestock Expansion White Paper
- Net Taxable Sales & Retail Pull Factors
- Retail Sales Patterns And Trends Across Nebraska Counties And Localities
- Rural Poll
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