Cornhusker Economics


Cornhusker Economics is a weekly publication published by the Department of Agricultural Economics on current issues related to farm economics including production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services related to farming. It encompasses a wide range of topics and activities from production economics, farm management to cost and revenue analysis as well as topics on risk management, policies and regulations and much more. 

2025 Cornhusker Economics

Cornhusker Economics (March 5, 2025) - Community-Centered Climate Resilience Strategies for Agriculture in Chile's Los Lagos by Asa B. Stone, Cristian Kremer F. and Mark C. Stone

Cornhusker Economics (Feb 26, 2025) - Be Aware of Basis Volatility When Using Price Risk Management for Calves and Feeder Cattle by Jay Parsons & Aaron Berger

Cornhusker Economics (Feb 19, 2025) - Consumer Acceptance of Gene-Edited Food: The Role of Knowledge, Trust, and Information by Dr. Anubrata Deka, Dr. Syed Imran Ali Meerza and Dr. Emie Yiannaka 

Cornhusker Economics (Feb 12, 2025) - The Employer/ Employee Relationship: It's More Than Just Hiring by Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel

Cornhusker Economics (Feb 5, 2025) - Reconciling the Paradox of Positive Profit and Negative Cash Flow by Timothy Meyer 

Cornhusker Economics (Jan 26, 2025) - Nebraska Crop Budgets Updated for 2025 by Glennis McClure

Cornhusker Economics (Jan 22, 2025) - Understanding Market Outlooks by Elliott Dennis

Cornhusker Economics ( Jan 8, 2025) - Agri-Technology Transforming Farms and Ranches Across Nebraska by Shannon Sand



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