Our three clubs provide an opportunity to connect with employers, faculty and your fellow students.

Scroll down to meet the club officers and find out why you should join.

Tuesdays are for Clubs
Photo of AEAC members

Ag Econ/Agribusiness

Meets 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
AEAC on NvolveU

Photo of commodity trading room

Commodity Marketing

Meets 1st Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.
CMC on NvolveU

Photo of NAMA members holding awards

National Agri-Marketing

Meets 2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
NAMA on NvolveU

Ag Economics/Agribusiness Club

Photo of Karly Niewohner

Cooper Tonniges

I joined to be more involved with the department and to get know the faculty and students that share the same interest as I do. The club is a great way to learn explore agriculture jobs, showcase businesses and learn more about our industry.

Photo of Nicole

Nicole Svanda
Vice President

In the club, people start making connections for their career path. It's a less formal setting to make professional connections.

Photo of Ashlee Wallesen

Jacob Hoffmann

Ag Econ/Agribusiness Club is a great way to get involved on campus and meet new people! This year we will have many great opportunities such as community service, informational speakers, and possibly even a club trip. I love attending meetings because there is often an awesome speaker and I feel like I can voice my opinion.

Photo of Anita Reardon

Kasch Morrison

Joining our club allows you to connect with new friends who share similar interests.

Photo of Elizabeth Yrkoski

Hunter Collins
Community Service

I always end up learning something new and interesting from the speakers. These speakers have jobs that pertain to agribusiness/ag econ majors and gives an insight to all of the different opportunities that these majors offer!

Photo of Alex Humlicek

Kade Wiese 

Everyone is given the opportunity to network with potential coworkers and meet so many students who share the same passion for agriculture!

Commodity Marketing Club

Photo of Sloane Holtmeier

Luke Mathiesen President

Students should join a club on campus to network with other students in their industry and learn about different internship opportunities. Joining the Commodity Marketing Club will allow you to learning more about market changes, terminology, hedging different commodities.

Photo of Parker Klinginsmith

Kace Thoren
Vice President

Commodity Marketing Club is an outstanding club to be a part of thanks to the wonderful members and great agricultural learning experiences.

Photo of Lily Woitaszewski

Casey Doernemann

Starting from the basics to learning from the professionals. Expand your knowledge. Join the Commodity Marketing Club. Anyone is welcome

Photo of Grant Dahlgren

Isaac Else

Commodity Marketing Club is loaded with information in a short amount of time. Anyone interested in learning more about the financial aspects of agriculture should attend some of our meetings.

National Marketing-Association

Photo of Austin

Danika Schultes

I think I’m most excited to spend time and grow close with this outstanding group of people. Some of my best college memories have come through hours spent together, and I can’t wait to make more!

Photo of Brent Miller

Ashtyn Humphreys
Vice President of Marketing Plan

In NAMA, you will grow personally and professionally while learning about the basics of product marketing. NAMA has been one of the most beneficial organizations I have been involved with at UNL.

Photo of Alice McDonald

Samantha Oborny
Vice President of Programs

My favorite part about NAMA is seeing an idea go to a product, and finally presenting at nationals while working with amazing people!

Photo of Kaleb Kindler

Ornella Uwayo

It’s an interesting challenge in marketing that I never thought I would be good at. I’ve found my niche and contribute all I can. Expect to be challenged but to have to do new things and get out of your comfort zone!

Photo of Marydith Donnelly

Seth Wright

Joining a club allows you to take all of the things learned in class and put them in a real life scenarios. Clubs are a place to use your strengths and improve on your weakness.

Photo of Maria Harthoorn

Alexis Jansen

Join NAMA to find your people and learn about how much you don't know about the ag industry yet! I looked forward to our meetings each week to not only be involved, but to gather as a group of friends.

Photo of Grace McDonald

Chandra Spangler
Social Media/Publicity

Coming soon!

Photo of Jessica

Trip Chair

Coming soon!