Cornhusker Economics 2018
- Six Key Components of a Farm or Ranch Business Plan By Jay Parsons (December 19)
- Jerome Powell Is Not the Bad Guy By Tim Meyer (December 12)
- Understanding the Process of Selling By Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel (December 5)
- Do We Need More Futures Contracts in Commodity Markets? By Fabio Mattos (November 28)
- Agricultural Production from the High Plains Aquifer Is Worth Over $3 billion per Year By Richard Perrin, Lilyan Fulginiti and Federico Garcia (November 14)
- The Economics of the Capitalization Rate for Farmland By Jeff Stokes and Jim Jansen (November 7)
- Initiative 427: Nebraska Medicaid Expansion By Dave Aiken (October 31)
- Farm Programs, Payments and Prospects By Brad Lubben (October 24)
- Applying Interconnected Game Theory to Analyze Transboundary Waters: A Case Study of the Kura-Araks Basin By Marianna Khachaturyan and Karina Schoengold (October 17)
- Market Facilitation Program: Impact on Nebraska Corn and Soybean Producers by Konstantinos Giannakas and Amalia Yiannaka (October 10)
- Market Facilitation Program: Impact on Nebraska Corn and Soybean Producers by Anil Giri, Wes Peterson and Sankalp Sharma (October 3)
- Farm Location Influence on the Optimal Crop Insurance and Pre-harvest Hedging Level by Cory Walters (September 26)
- The Corn/Soybean Rotation and Profitability by Matt Stockton and Devin Broadhead (September 19)
- Importance of Being Digital Ready – What Does that Mean? by Charlotte Narjes (September 12)
- The Evolution of Nebraska Corn Basis by Jessica Groskopf and Amanda Silva (September 5)
- A Model for Farmer Support in Zimbabwe - Opportunity for Change by Brierly Kuhudzayi and Daniela Mattos (August 29)
- Economics of Experimental Design: Finding the Optimal Design of a Whole Field Randomized Experiment by Taro Mieno, David Bullock and Aolin Gong (August 22)
- 2018 Cash Lease Adjustments on Irrigation Equipment for Cropland Rental Arrangements in Nebraska by Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes (August 15)
- Financial Impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on Ag Producers by Tina Barrett (August 8)
- 2018 Nebraska Farm Custom Rates Statewide Survey Summary by Glennis McClure (August 1)
- Agricultural Market Liberalization and Household Food Security in Rural China by Lia Nogueira, Kathy Baylis, and Linlin Fan (July 25)
- Trade Wars by Wes Peterson (July 18)
- Role of Information and Communication on Spatial Conservation Auction Performance: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment by Simanti Banerjee and Marc Conte (July 13)
- Salary Negotiation and Graduates from the Department of Agricultural Economics by Larry Van Tassell (June 27)
- Thinking about the Corn Market by Fabio Mattos (June 20)
- Livestock Production Value and Economic Impact for Nebraska Counties by Glennis McClure and Brad Lubben (June 13)
- Consumer Response to Fraudulent Producer Behavior in the Agri-food Marketing System by Syed Imran Ali Meerza and Christopher R. Gustafson (May 30)
- Syngenta GMO Settlement Claims Due October 12, 2018 by J. David Aiken (May 23)
- North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center by Christine Lockert, Cheryl Griffith, and Bradley D. Lubben (May 16)
- National Agri-Marketing Association Annual Conference A Winning Combination of Experiential Learning and Networking by Erika Harms, Rosalee Swartz, and Kara Heideman (May 9)
- Smart Choices in Agriculture by Jay Parsons (May 2)
- Agricultural Production and Forest Preservation in the Brazilian Amazon by Felipe de Figueiredo Silva, Richard K. Perrin, and Lilyan E. Fulginiti (April 25)
- Impacts Identified with Women in Agriculture Conference Review by Marilyn Schlake and Rebecca Vogt (April 18)
- The Ethanol Renewable Identification Number Price Fight and Nebraska Agriculture by Richard Perrin (April 11)
- Complexity and Efficiency in Conservation Auctions: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment by Simanti Banerjee and Marc Conte (April 4)
- Conference Educates, Uplifts Nebraska Women in Agriculture by Jessica Groskopf and Haley Apel (March 28)
- Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference by Charlotte Narjes (March 21)
- 2018 Trends in Nebraska Farmland Values and Rental Rates by Jim Jansen and Jeff Stokes (March 14)
- Price Volatility Transmission between U.S. Biofuel, Corn, and Oil Markets by Cory Walters (March 7)
- Financially Successful Farms in Nebraska, What Matters? by Matthew Stockton and Robert Tigner (February 28)
- Livestock Air Emission Requirements Delayed for Now by Dave Aiken (February 21)
- Capital Budgeting by Cooperatives by Jeff Royer (February 14)
- Does Gender Really Matter in Agriculture? by Marianna Khachaturyan and Wes Peterson (February 7)
- How Will the Section 199(a) Tax Deduction Affect Cooperatives? by Greg McKee (January 31)
- Characteristics Contributing to Nebraska Farm and Ranch Financial Stress by Kate Brooks, Cory Walters, Jay Parsons, Andrea Ramirez, Larry Van Tassell, Brad Lubben and Dave Aiken (January 24)
- Sweet Sorghum as an Ethanol Feedstock in Western Nebraska – Could It Happen? by Richard Perrin, Lilyan Fulginiti, Subir Bairagi, and Ismail Dweikat (January 17)
- Relationships between Connection to Community, Perceived Community Outcomes and Individual Well-Being by Becky Vogt (January 10)