Kathleen (Kate) Brooks

Kate BrooksAssociate Professor


304C Filley Hall
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68583-0922

@KateBrooksUNL twitter icon
Photo of Kate Brooks


  • AECN 225 - Agribusiness Entrepreneurship in Food Products Marketing
  • AECN 316 - Agribusiness Management
  • AECN 416 - Advanced Agribusiness Management

Research Interests

Livestock production economics, agricultural marketing and risk management, price analysis, consumer food preferences


Kate Brooks joined the faculty in the Department of Agricultural Economics in January 2013. She received her B.S. in Agribusiness from Kansas State University, her M.S. in Agribusiness from Illinois State University, and her Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University. Brooks served as a faculty member at West Texas A&M University from August 2010 to December 2012. Brooks interests and experiences span throughout the livestock industry. Brooks research in large part has dealt with meat and livestock economics. In particular, she has done work on pork production issues and several issues related to meat and livestock marketing. She has also done work with consumer preference dealing with issues such as animal cloning and fat injected steaks.